Tuesday, June 29, 2010

bench press


1 x 3 x 45
1 x 3 x 95
1 x 3 x 135
1 x 3 x 185
1 x 3 x 225
5 x 3 x 245

Complete 6 rounds for time: 
53 yard Farmer's Walk 
Sprint 1/2 Gasser

4:53 w/ 2 pood kbs

Monday, June 28, 2010

power snatch

bergener warmup

ps x1: 5# increments


Every rep after 160 was pushed into place. Need to work on dropping under more effectively.

135# ps every 7 sec.  12 reps 

This pace would give me a 3:30 Isabel time (:28 sec pr!) if I can maintain it. Gonna add this to my few remaining snatch WODs and see how it goes.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Back home. Tired from traveling but grinded through a WOD.

bergener warmup

1 x 3 x 55
1 x 3 x 135
1 x 3 x 225
1 x 1 x 315
5 x 1 x 415

100 x 1 = 10:00

Specifically did singles to see how long.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

back squat

On the road and finally got a workout in at a 24 hour fitness. This one is a bit pricier than normally, racking a beefy $25 for a day pass. I'll be looking for a different gym if I get the opportunity to do another WOD.


1 x 3 x 45
1 x 3 x 95
1 x 3 x 135
1 x 3 x 185
1 x 1 x 225
1 x 1 x 275
4 x 1 x 320
1 x 7 x 320 

I initially planned on the the last set being three reps, but felt good so kept going.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Power Snatch

bergener warmup

Power Snatch 3 RM

1 x 3 x 55
1 x 3 x 75
1 x 3 x 95
1 x 3 x 115
1 x 3 x 135
1 x 3 x 140
1 x 3 x 145
1 x 3 x 150
1 x 3 x 155
1 x 3 x 160

Complete 5 rounds of:
3 Snatch Pulls
3 Power Snatches
3 Snatch Push Press
*Perform at 85-90% of 3 RM Power Snatch
Rest 120 seconds between sets.

W/ 135#

Friday, June 18, 2010


bergener warm-up

1 x 2 x 55
1 x 2 x 75
1 x 2 x 95
1 x 2 x 115
1 x 2 x 135
1 x 2 x 145
1 x 2 x 155
1 x 2 x 165
1 x 2 x 175

5 x 2 x 205

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

shoulder presses

bw: 201.2

Burgener warm-up

Tabata row x 6

Burgener warm-up

sp: 50-150 by 5# 

Complete 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps of:
Power Cleans 75% of body weight
Pull Ups

17:11 w/ 150#

Sunday, June 13, 2010



bergenger warm-up

1 x 3 x 45
1 x 3 x 95
1 x 3 x 135
1 x 3 x 185
5 x 3 x 235

Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes:
Sprint 50 meters 
10 Ball Slams 40 lbs 
15 Toes To Bar

3 rds +10+6

Thursday, June 10, 2010



pc to ohs x 1:
55-160 (by 5#)

1 x 1 x 165
1 x 1 x 170
1 x 1 x 175(f)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010



21's: 45-145

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

Sprint a 20 yds – 40 yds – 20 yds shuttle drill
8 Kettlebell Swings 2 pood
16 Push Ups
*Rest 1 minute between rounds.
*For shuttle drill, start by sprinting 20 yards, change directions and sprint back 40 yards, change direction and sprint back 20 yards through original starting point. Perform 8 Kb swings and 16 pushups. Rest 1 minute and repeat...

Post fastest and slowest rounds to comments.

9:12 total

Monday, June 7, 2010



1 x 3 x 45
1 x 3 x 135
1 x 3 x 185
1 x 3 x 225
1 x 3 x 275
5 x 3 x 310

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Another WOD at the globo.


1 x 10 x 45
1 x 3 x 95
1 x 3 x 105
1 x 3 x 115
1 x 3 x 125
1 x 3 x 135
1 x 3 x 145
1 x 3 x 155
1 x 3 x 165 (2)
1 x 25 x 45