Seems I slacked on the CFE this morning. :(
1 x 3 x 135
1 x 3 x 225
1 x 1 x 315
1 x 1 x 405
7 x 1 x 420
Felt good. Amazing what a difference chalk and a good bar make. I'll keep grinding away at this until I can't. For those curious, here is a snapshot of how I've been working the rep scheme of this strength cycle.
Day 1: Back squats 7 x 3 (same weight)
Day 2: Shoulder press 21's
Day 3: Dead lift 7 x 1 (same weight)
Day 4: Rest day
I'm trying to keep each of these strength days a bit different that the others. For instance, once I crash on BS, I will either (a) switch rep scheme to singles, 21's, 5x5 ladders, or (b) switch exercises (front squat, good mornings, etc). This is all "off the cuff" but so far it seems to be working well for me. We'll see how long it last and if I make and gains.